About Staff & Leadership


A photo of a smiling middle-aged woman with salt  pepper hair in front of a bookshelf

Andrea Tisher - Lead Pastor

250 828 1114 ext 202

Contact Pastor Andrea

a photo of Janga

Janga Kezele - Community Life Coordinator

250 828 1114 ext 0

Email Janga


Our board (which we call our Pastoral Team) is currently: 

Allen Juras

Sheryl Giudici

David Burkholder

Jenny MacIver

Pam Robertson

Southwest Community Church uses a congregational form of governance, in which members are the main visionaries and decision-makers.  A board (which we call "Pastoral Team") is elected from the membership to provide leadership, coordinate ministry efforts and work with the pastor to discern how God is leading us as a congregation. The photo here includes those who also serve on various committees and in worship & discipleship ministries. 

A group shot of most of the SWCC Leaders standing on the stairs